How we do it

Health and Safety

Health and safety is at the centre of everything we do, from the daily routines in our offices to our customers’ work sites and our actions in our neighbouring communities. Our aspiration is to conduct our business with zero harm to people and to create a healthy and safe environment for our employees, contractors, communities, and customers.


We are committed to a process of progress that combines field experience and functional expertise to improve the social, environmental and economic impact of our activities.

This approach is in line with our desire to continue to promote “living together”, to establish a long-term culture of health and safety prevention, to give everyone the means to develop professionally, to better protect the environment, to increase vigilance with regard to business ethics and the commitments of our suppliers, etc. Our membership of the United Nations Global Compact, since February 2016, underlines this investment.

Aware that the sustainability of our Group is only possible through responsible growth that takes into account all our stakeholders, we have structured and harmonised our actions according to 4 pillars.


NGE Contracting is driven by our customers, who face today’s major challenges: achieving energy efficiency, lowering cost of construction and maintenance, reducing our environmental footprint, and meeting high standards of health, comfort, and well-being to the passengers. Together with our partners and customers, our R&D teams develop the most innovative products, solutions, and services, as well as advanced manufacturing processes.

Quality and accreditations

NGE Contracting recognises the importance of effective governance, assurance and improvement in the successful delivery of its activities. We demonstrate our commitment to quality management by ensuring arrangements are in place for effective operational planning and control, and objectives are set for customer satisfaction and quality. These objectives are reviewed and measured against how well we perform against our Integrated Management System (IMS) – a process-based system compliant with Quality Management (ISO 9001), Environmental Management (ISO 14001) and Occupational Health and Safety Management (BS OHSAS 18001) management system requirements.





The Code of Ethics adopted by NGE is also part of the right line of our approach. It addresses the whole managers and employees of the Group and supplements, without replacing them, the statutory provisions Convention or Convention in force in all countries in which Group is active. The rules and principles it contains are binding on all in all circumstances.
Applying this code is a priority to ensure growth responsible in respect of the general interest and to build lasting relationships with our customers. It is by respecting these commitments everywhere we operate that we can continue to grow and be proud of our achievements.