High Speed LIne Track Construction - Picture of SEA

Construction of « LGV Sud Europe Atlantique » (SEA)

Tours-Bordeaux, France
Track Construction

Construction of a 340 km High Speed Line

  • 340 km of new railway network (302 km high speed railway and 38 km of junction to existing network)
  • 15 Lots TOARC for infrastructure and two precast sites for superstructures

Start date : 2012
End date : 2018

Client : LISEA

The key figures
of the project

69,8 million m3
excavations including 8,9 million m3 of rock material
275 000 m3
of soil stabilisation
1 360 km
of rails
  • 69,8 million m3 excavations including 8,9 million m3 of rock material
  • 275 000 m3 of soil stabilisation
  • 412 structures + 19 viaducts(798 000 m3 reinforced concrete and 100 000 tons of steel)
  • 13 000 catenary poles – 1 360 km of rails
  • 3,3 million tons of ballast