Track Construction in a tunnel - UK

Construction of the central section of Crossrail

London, United Kingdom
Track & OHLE

Start – End
2013 – 2018

Client: Crossrail Limited

Partners: Alstom & Costain

Project Information

  • The Crossrail project crosses London from East to West for 118 km and includes two bored tunnels each of 21 km
  • It is the largest engineering project in Europe
  • Nine new underground stations in the heart of London

Key Figures

  • Tunnel twin-tube : 54 km of concrete single track and 16 switches and crossings
  • Deposit and junction area : 4 km of single ballast track and 15 switches and crossings
  • Special tracks design : 6,2 km of tracks with acoustic attenuation
  • Power supply : 48 km of rigid catenary and 6 km of conventional overhead line
  • Axle load : max 23 tons for maintenance trains, 16 tons for passenger trains
  • Speed : up to 100 km/h (conception 110 km/h)
  • Traffic data : 24 trains/hour, 16 hours/day